Department of Mathematics and Computer Science- Tables of Courses
Tables of Courses of Computer Sciences Undergraduate Program

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Undergraduate (BSc) Basic Courses of Computer Sciences
row Course Title Course Code Number of Credits Prerequisite Descriptions
1 Calculus 1 1011053 3    
2 Calculus 2 1011103 3 Calculus 1  
3 Differential Equations 1011253 3 Calculus 2  
4 Introduction to Computer and Programming 1236313 3    
5 General Physics 1 1021303 3    
6 Foundation of Economics 1255103 3   Take a lesson from the 6th row lessons.
General Physics 2 1021353 3 General Physics 1
Principles of Accounting and Costing 1126743 3  
Principles of Management 1126713 3  
7 Research Method and Report Writings 1218272 2    
8 General Physics 1 Laboratory 1022371 1 General Physics 1 Take a lesson from the 8th row lessons.
Computer Workshop 1 1218281 1  
Note: Obtaining 21 units from this table is mandatory.
Undergraduate (BSc) Main Courses of Computer Sciences
row Course Title Course Code Number of Credits Prerequisite
1 Foundation of Mathematics  
Calculus 1 or Introduction to Computer and Programming
2 Foundation of Matrix and Linear Algebra 1218103 3 Foundation of Mathematics
3 Foundation of Combinatorics 1218163 3 Corequisite: Introduction to Computer and Programming
4 Foundation of Numerical Analysis 1218133 3 Calculus 2
5 Introduction to Probability 1319153 3 Calculus 1
6 Foundation of Computability Theory 1218293 3 Foundation of Mathematics
7 Advanced Programming 1319143 3 Introduction to Computer and Programming
8 Data Structures and Algorithms 1218304 3 Advanced Programming
9 Principles of Operating systems 1218153 3 Data Structures and Algorithms
10 Numerical Linear Algebra 1218193 3 Foundation of Matrix and Linear Algebra
11 Principles of Computer Systems 1218374 4 Advanced Programming
12 Introduction to Logic and Set Theory  
Foundation of Mathematics or Foundation of Logic in Computer Sciences
13 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 1218323 3 Data Structures and Algorithms
Note: It is mandatory to take all the courses in this table (42 credits).
Undergraduate (BSc) Specialized Courses of Computer sciences
row Course Title Course Code Number of Credits Prerequisite
1 Linear Optimization* 1218183 3 Foundation of Matrix and Linear Algebra
2 Computability Theory* 1218313 3 Foundation of Computability Theory
3 Artificial Intelligence* 1255033 3 Data Structures and Algorithms, Introduction to Probability
4 Principles of Software Design* 1316163 3 Data Structures and Algorithms
5 Compiler 1218353 3 Foundation of Computability Theory
6 Database 1218333 3 Data Structures and Algorithms
7 Computer Networks 1218393 3 Principles of  Computer Systems
8 Topics in Computer Science 1218343 3 Group Permission
9 None Linear Optimization 1129043 3 Linear Optimization
10 Graph Theory and Applications 1129043 3 Foundation of Combinatorics
11 Numerical Analysis 1218473 3 Foundation of Numerical Analysis
Note: Each student must take the starred courses in this table and must choose a total of 21 credits from this table.
Undergraduate (BSc) Elective Courses of Computer sciences
row Course Title Course Code Number of Credits Prerequisite
1 Computer Geometric Design** 1218383 3 Data Structures and Algorithms
2 Computerized Simulation** 1128413 3 Introduction to Probability
3 An Introduction to Data Mining** 1218633 3  
4 Project** 1127553 3 Research Method and Report Writings and passing 90 Credits
5 Internship 1 1127112 2 Research Method and Report Writings and passing 90 Credits
6 Internship 2 1127122 2 Internship 1 and passing 90 Credits
7 Application of Computer in Commercial Systems 1128333 3 Advanced Programming
8 Combined Optimization and Network Analysis 1254083 3 Linear Optimization
9 Foundation of Mathematical Analysis 1218123 3 Calculus 2
10 Foundation of Algebra 1218173 3 Foundation of Mathematics
11 Coding Theory 1264033 3 Foundation of Algebra or Foundation of Matrix and Linear Algebra
12 Programming Languages 1236163 3 Data Structures and Algorithms
13 Computer Graphic 1254023 3 Data Structures and Algorithms
14 Logic 1254043 3 Principles of Combinatorics
15 Management Information Systems 1205093 3 Principles of Management
16 Engineering Mathematics 1011713 3 General Mathematics 2
17 Probability 1 1218203 3 Introduction to Probability
18 Cellular and Molecular Biology   2  
19 Topics in Algorithms   3 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
20 Foundation of Bioinformatics   3 Cellular and Molecular Biology
21 Foundation of Entrepreneurship 1236322 2  
• Each student without a degree must choose 30 credits from this table, of which at least 14 credits are among the ** courses in this table or the courses not taken in Table 6.
• Any student without a degree who takes at least 14 credits from the courses ** in this table or the courses not taken in Table 6, can take 15 credits from the package courses approved in other fields of the university.
• Each student with an approved cadet can take 30 credits from other fields (in the form of approved cadets) instead of taking 30 optional courses.

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